Please find below an email from the Middle school Chinese teacher who leads the Research Residency for our Mandarin Immersion Program. Even if you have very young children or had a child graduate from PPS in the past, please come! Bring Your children, wear red, and bring a sign! "Save our Research Residencies!" Let's fill the building with families who will be impacted if this important learning opportunity is taken away.
Tomorrow evening, the PPS Board will vote on whether the PPS immersion programs can continue the Research Residency Programs overseas during the school year. We have already passed two major hurdles - the Senior Director and Risk Management have given us the green light. If you believe, as we do, that the residency programs to Taiwan and Mainland China are invaluable experiences that should continue to be an integral component of the Mandarin Immersion Program, please show up with your kids at the PPS main office (501 N. Dixon Street) tomorrow evening at 6 PM to show your support! Students and parents from the Tabor Japanese and Tubman Mandarin programs will be there as well!